So much to see and do in Sweden, it was a treat to be able to catch up with my sweet relatives and visit some favorite places in Skåne, the Southern-most part of this oblong land. I was in Malmö for a day, I visited Skanör with a friend, saw my sister and cousin in Lund and enjoyed some time in Ystad. Here's the map to show you were I was. My mother lives in Höllviken which is a pretty summer community surrounded by beaches south of Malmö.

I love getting home for some inspiration and fika. Here's a little smattering of some of the things that I found interesting and some art that I made from my trip. I loved shopping too and my friend was kind enough to give me some beautiful hand-painted clogs. I love my friends and family. They are shy so I don't plan on sharing photos without permission but it was wonderful to see everyone, and I thank you all for a great time.

If you want to take classes on Swedish art inspired by the great folk art tradition there, please let me know. I offer classes at my studio in Amesbury on Fridays at 4PM. I also teach private lessons at your convenience. Buy one now before the price goes up, I will honor it in 2024. I hope that you are having a wonderful day, and thank you for taking the time to let me share some memories with you.